City of Fallen Angels follows Simon's story. After the first three books in The Mortal Insturments series where we watch Simon pine for Clary and play the third wheel, he is finally given his own story with a strong voice.
The story starts out with Simon not only dating, but dating multiple people. This very intriguing dating triangle does not come without hiccups. It seems that Clary is the only one who is aware of Simon's "situation" and so he turns to her for advice, often. Using issues with his women as an excuse to talk with Clary, he calls on her regularly. It would appear that although he has gone on to dating other women, he is still hung up on Clary despite how hard he tries to fight it. This coupled with a new "threat" of death and the wedding of Clary's mom to Luke create an ample amount of action packed story.
Cassandra Clare does not dissappoint in this installment of her Mortal Insturments series. She stays true to the voice of all the characters, especially Simon. Giving him a story of his own to shine with, Cassandra does an outstanding job of merging Simon's newfound status as a downworlder into the world of shadowhunters without changing what it is that either side stands for.
All in all I give this story a thumbs up. If you are a fan of the series, read it and enjoy. If you haven't started it yet. What are you waiting for?
After the Book